We’d love you to celebrate Easter with us at Christ Church.
We have services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Maundy Thursday
17 April
On the night before Jesus died He prayed in the Garden, “Father, not my will but yours be done.” In this reflective and creative service, we will take time to slow down and feel the weight of Jesus facing His death for us.

Good Friday
18 April
8.30am + 10am
Join us as we reflect on what Jesus’ death accomplished and the good news it brings.
The 10am service will be live-streamed and translated into Mandarin 设有即时中文语音翻译

Easter Sunday
20 April
9.15am + 10.45am + 6pm
Join us to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the true hope that it brings.
The 9.15am service will be translated into Mandarin
The 9.15am and 6pm service will be live-streamed
Getting here
Christ Church is a 5 min walk from St Ives Shopping Village.
For those travelling by car, you can park on nearby streets for free or public parking facilities.
Church parking spaces are limited and are reserved for:
Those with a wheelchair or mobility difficulties
First-time visitors